Saturday 1 March 2014


It has been awhile since my last posts. Been busy with work.

And I need to revamp and improve my blog.

So...head on to :

Check it out!!

Thursday 23 January 2014


Its been awhile, nothing to post since no signals so far. Falling asleep waiting to 'fish' next target.
For those who celebrate Lunar New Year, wishing all early GONG XI FA CAI!

Lets see, GBPUSD

And check out GBPJPY, oh no...missed that boat. Sigh~......

Until then, happy holidays and good luck all!

Saturday 28 December 2013


How are your trades? Anyone have any open positions?
Check out GBPUSD since the last post, hanging up there. Let's wait and see what 2014 will be. Cheers!

Saturday 23 November 2013

GBPUSD 24 Nov 2013 Daily chart review
Well been busy lately with work. No time to post.
Anyway, GBPUSD is holding up nicely its BUY Signal [which if you remember my entry was exited by SL 200 :( ]

EURUSD has no new signal.
USDCHF has a haywire signal, which i am not going to discuss.

USDJPY maintaining its uptrend, but the sizzle may died soon.
Until then, happy trading!

Friday 8 November 2013

8 Nov 2013 GBPUSD Daily review
Are you kidding me? For those few lucky ones which their SL200 did not trigger, get ready for a ride of your life. GBPUSD has potential to continue trend up.
Remember, when there is opportunity, please move your SL to breakeven level at least.
As for me, my SL200 was hitted so I am out of this trade. Good luck to others!

Friday 1 November 2013

2 November 2013 EURUSD Daily
Let us recap.

Refer to my last post on 17 Oct 2013.
Entered 1.35410 with SL 1.33410
Price peak on 27 Oct 2013 at price of 1.3808 (floating gain 267 pips)

Price drops at recent close at 1.34857 (floating loss 55 pips or whichever SL you have modified)

Be prepared for further drop. I will not continue comment on this entry anymore as I will assume most would have exited. Thank you.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Continuing from my previous post on GBPUSD Daily - a BUY Signal with SL200
Well not sure you guys entered late, but i entered quite early (oops) at 1.62076 with SL 200 of 1.60076
My SL 200 was hit. Guess is not a good idea to enter to early. Oh well at least my SL is setted.

Let us see if they is any rebound upwards. For those whose SL200 remain intact, good luck to you.