Sunday 27 October 2013

27 Oct 2013 A peek at GBPUSD Daily chart.
6 Nov 2012 BUY signal but entered late on 8 Nov 2012 at price of 1.60062 with SL 200
11 Nov 2012 SELL signal (dang!) but entered late on 14 Nov 2012 at price of 1.58458 with SL 200
Price hit a low of 1.58269 on 15 Nov 2012 which is far away from our SL200 for 6 Nov 2012.
2 Dec 2012 BUY signal again (this is nuts!) entered late on 4 Dec 2012 at 1.61146 with SL200.

1 Jan 2013 price hits a high of 1.63793.
On this date:
6 Nov 2012 BUY - floating gain 370+ pips
11 Nov 2012 SELL - floating loss 530+ pips (of which SL 200 pips triggered!!)
2 Dec 2012 BUY - floating gain 260+ pips
Net floating gain 430+ pips

Wow. But worst case scenario, we are greedy, we held on to all our pairs. Let us see what happens next!
8 Feb 2013 SELL signal, entry late 1.55215 on 13 Feb 2013.

12 March 2013 price dip to low of 1.48304
On this date:
6 Nov 2012 BUY - floating loss 1170+ pips (SL200 would have triggered!!)

2 Dec 2012 BUY - floating loss 1280+ pips (SL200 would have triggered!!)
8 Feb 2013 SELL - floating gain of 690+ pips

Now some of you would have moved SL position to Break Even.
But let us assume in worst case scenario, we held on our original SL200.
What is my net position on 12 March 2013?
Net gain of 90+ pips (-200 -200 -200 +690)
Not too shabby. Next post will be an exciting one!!! Stay tune!!!

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