Monday 14 October 2013

Okay, been really quiet looking at Daily chart. But that is what is all about, set and forget since SL 200 pips have been set.
Now let us look at 4 Hour charts just to spice things up.
But be warned, 4H chart can have more false triggers signal than daily.
7th July a SELL signal, as usual in worst case scenario we entered late at lowest point of 1.28080.
9th July reaches peak of 1.28977, a floating loss of 90 pips!!!
If you have set a SL 200 pips, this is still in your safety zone.
Next few candles the price plummets down to 1.27731 (potential gain of 34 pips)
But lets assume we panicked and close out at 90 pips of loss : )

The next BUY signal is interesting on 22 July - again in worst case we entered late at peak of 1.32176
Say SL of 200 pips setted (1.30176)
Price reaches low of 1.31042 on 6 September (floating loss of 113 pips - still in safe zone)
On 3rd October it reaches 1.36402 (a whopping 422 pips!! Bail out now or set Trailing Stops)
Ofcourse this 4H signal will be much earlier than D1 signals.

Lets assume we are greedy and we still hold on to this position till today, probably some of us would have move SL to break even point. Lets wait and see!

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