Saturday 19 October 2013

4H of USDCHF review
14 June 2013 SELL - assume we entered late at 0.92552 with SL 200
9 July 2013 reaches high of 0.97504 (495 pips lost so SL200 definitely hitted)

3 July 2013 BUY - assume we entered late at 0.95698 with SL 200
As above price went high on 9 July 2013 of 0.97504 (180 pips gain - bail now or reset your SL)

26 July 2013 SELL - late entry at 0.93077 with SL200
6 Sep 2013 reaches high of 0.94547 (147 pips of floating loss)

Recent close of 0.9013 (294 floating pips gain)

Looks like 4H is better for USDCHF - less false signals.

So that's all for this week folks. Cheers!

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